Types -Of-Sets Empty Set, Singleton Set, Equivalent Sets, Equal Sets, Finite Set , Infinite Set, Subsets, Super Set , Proper Set, Universal Set, Complement Set .

 The types of sets are empty set, singleton set, equivalent sets, equal sets, finite set , infinite set, subsets, super set , proper set, universal set, complement set . 

  Empty set or Null set 

 A set which doesnot contain any set  is called as Empty set or Null set or Void set. It is denoted by ‘∅’ and it is read as phi. In roster form empty set is denoted by {}. The cardinality of null set is always 0.

For example:

The set set of whole number less than 0.

The set of even prime number less than 2.

 Singleton set

a set which contain only one element is called as singleton set. The cardinality of singleton set is always 1.

For example:

The set of even prime numbers. A = {2}, | A | = 1

A = {x|x is a whole number less than 1}

S = {x|X is a natural number, x*x=4}

 Finite set 

A set which has a definite number of elements is called as finite set. The cardinality of finite set is always definite.

For example:

The set of colours in the rainbow .

The set of natural number less than 15.


·       Infinite set

     A set which has infinite number of elements is called as infinite set. The cardinality of infinite set is always infinite.

For example:

Set of natural numbers.

Set of prime numbers

Set of whole numbers

Set of integers.

·       Equivalent sets

     Two sets A and B are equivalent when their cardinality is same. The symbol for denoting equivalent set is ‘↔’

For example :

A={1,2,3,4,5} and B ={a,e,i,o,u} here, n(A) =n(B)=5  A↔B

X={2,4,6,8,10} and G={1,2,3,4,5}

V={a,v,c,d} and  K={q,w,e,r}

·       Equal sets

     Two sets A and B are said to be equal sets when they contains same elements. Every element which belongs to set A also belongs to set B.

For example:

A = { q,w,e,r} and B ={ e,w,q,r}

S={c,v,b,n} and G ={b,v,n,c}

Z={1,3,4,2} and L = {1,2,3,4}

·       Subset 

     A subset of a set A is a set that contains only elements from set A, but may not contain all the elements of set A. ‘⊆’ this symbol is used to represent the subset .

If B is a subset of set A we can write as : B ⊆ A

If A is a subset of set B we can write as : A ⊆ B

Some properties of subsets are:

Every set is a subset of itself. Symbolically,

A  A, B  B.

Empty set is a subset of every set .

For example:

A = {1,2,3}

The subsets of set A are :









If we have cardinality of the given set is ‘n’ then the set have ‘2ⁿ’ subsets.

Here, we have cardinality of set is 3 so, set A has 2³ = 8 subsets.

·       Super set 

      Whenever set A is a subset of set B then set B is a superset and we can write it as B⊇A

Symbol ‘⊇’ is used to denote “ is a super set of “.

For example :

A={a,s,c,f,v} and B={a,b,c,d,……………..,y,z}

Here A is a subset of B  i.e.  A ⊆ B.

B is a superset of A  i.e. B⊇ A

·       Proper subset

      if   And B are two sets then, A is called as proper set of B if A ⊆ B but not B⊇ A i.e. A ≠B . The symbol ‘⊂’ is used to denote proper subset.

For example:

A ={1,2,3,4} here, n(A) = 4

B = {1,2,3,4,5} here, n(B) = 5

A ⊂ B means A is a proper subset of B.

If we have cardinality of the given set is ‘n’ then the set have ‘2ⁿ -1 ’ proper subsets .

·       Power set

     The collection of all subsets of  set  A  is called as power set of a set A. It is denoted by P(A). In P(A) , every element is a set.

For example :


P(A) ={ {}, {q},{p}, {p,q} }

If we have cardinality of the given set is ‘n’ then the power set of the set have ‘2ⁿ’ elements .

Here, n(A) = 2

n[P(A)] = 2² = 4

·       Universal set

     A universal set is a set that contains all the elements of other given sets is called a universal set . The symbol to denote universal set is ‘U’.


A ={1,2,3,4,5}




Here u is the universal set for set A, B, C and M

·       Complement set

      A complement set is relative to the universal set. The complement of set A contains all the elements present in universal set except the elements which are in set A. The complement of set A is denoted as A’.

For example



A’={2,4,6,8},   #complement set of set A.

What is Set , Definition of Set , Elements of Set , Notation, Representation , Properties  of set and Examples on Sets

Operations-on-sets Union-Intersection-Difference-Complement and The Laws Of The Operations 

 Venn Diagram, Examples on venn diagram


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